Verified by 1 MILLION Orgasms!

Here’s my official blue check ✔️

No one really knows for sure now, if you paid for verification or if you’re legit.

I’m already verified.

Over and over and over again.

1 million orgasms!

That’s my next mission : the universe and beyond.

Orgasmic giant aliens, all with big blue balls that have little check marks on them.

Instead, here’s MY verification: 1 MILLION orgasms. Yes, I have Twitter blue. It’s for research, but of course 🙂


3 thoughts on “Verified by 1 MILLION Orgasms!

  1. : ) I mean, universal Gemy love sounds like exactly what can/should happen. She’s the ever verified Goddess that will absolutely take that big galactic swirl out there, and if I know anything about Genevieve, she will take it however she wants.

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