And why are they found in a lot of mesmer files?
Let’s first understand the what a binaural beat is.
A binaural beat is an auditory illusion perceived when two different pure-tone sine waves are presented; one tone per ear.
With the two pure tone frequencies in each ear, it brings about an “auditory illusion”, which is called a binaural beat.
An example of this is if the left ear registers a tone at 250 Hz and the right at 260 Hz, the binaural beat heard is the difference between the two frequencies — 10 Hz.
Some of the potential benefits of binaural beats therapy range from : reduced stress, reduced anxiety, increased focus, increased concentration, increased motivation, increased confidence, and deeper meditation. Mix that with Erotic hypnosis, and you’ve got an experience.
The types :
Delta patterns: Binaural beats in the delta pattern are set at a frequency of between 0.1 and 4 Hz, which is associated with deep sleep.
Theta patterns: Binaural beats in the theta pattern are set at a frequency of between 4 and 8 Hz, which is associated with the rapid eye movement phase of sleep, meditation, and creativity.
Alpha pattern: Binaural beats in the alpha pattern are set at a frequency of between 8 and 13 Hz, which may encourage relaxation and a state of calmness.
Beta pattern: Binaural beats in the beta pattern are set at a frequency of between 14 Hz and 100 Hz, which may help promote concentration and alertness and are often used to help with studying. This frequency can increase anxiety at the higher end of the frequency range in some cases and should be used with care.
Hypnosis is a very natural state that everyone slips in and out of at various parts of one’s day. Everyone. Every day, all day. However, that’s a topic for another post..
For now, if you came across this, I hope you found it helpful in understanding what a binaural beat is and why they’re used in some sexy mind play files.

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