Spam Spam Spam, everywhere you turn there’s spam..or a scam, or a Spam scam, or AI spam or AI scammers..
It is a lot for someone who may not be used to it, and anyone can mark anything as spam online, making it even more challenging at times. In real time, the chances are significantly less, albeit just as detrimental.
I have some tips! And even if you already know how to stay vigilant on spam, it’s a great refresher ❤️
Assume everything is spam or a scam account, even profiles that look too good to be true, usually aren’t, until you’re 100% sure it’s not, and even then, be on the lookout for obvious clues.
1. Be overly vigilant, but not so much that you harm potential connections. It sounds corny, but there’s a lot more of us than their are scammers, believe it or not (not including the bots) and it’s never too late to invest in security, for both your platforms protection from spam and your sanity.
2. Use contact forms that have a built-in Captcha for spam, or get one for your site/s. This stops about 98% of spam.
3. Use a different email than the one you post publicly because you’ll be inundated with scammers if you do, especially sexy workers.
4. Lock your social media profiles for a week or two every 2-3 months, it resets the visibility from your profiles being marked as spam, however if you do a lot of automated posts as it is, your profile will be flagged regardless, this isn’t 2014 when social media was somewhat decent, its a rabbit hole of garbage now, so you just have to navigate the trail a bit.
5. Take a break, breathe, and know you’re not the only one.
Namaste. And fuck you spam, eat a dick.