“Hi there hun, I didn’t see you there”
I smiled turning towards you, peaking out from behind the doorframe, Of course I knew you were there the entire time I unclothed, slowly, teasingly, running my manicured nails down my arms, hips, thighs, reaching over to stretch my toes, and slowly running my hands over the bottom frilly black and pink panties giving them a “flick” against my hips as I arched my frame up, flicking my long red curls over my head…turning my neck towards you, hair all frazzled and big blue eyes staring right into yours…
You’d had just got back into the house and all sweaty from the workout, wearing your gym attire and clearly turned on to see my pink lingerie teddy cupping the enormous breasts you’ve been drooling over all day..
I knew you watched me, I knew how you lusted after my breasts, the first glimpse of them through the shower door while I was getting ready for a night out and that hot, steamy thought hasn’t left your memory since.
You really enjoyed it when I’d stay over a few nights a month in the guest room while I’m in town for business.
“I..umm..hi there Goddess”
“Goddess huh?” Smiling.
“Well you look like a Goddess in that…uh…”
“I take it you like my new lingerie then?”
“Come here and unwrap me..”
“On your knees.”
Looking up at me while pulling the satin ribbon bow apart, you watched as my breasts popped out of the fabric cupping them.
Looking at my soft big nipples with hungry eyes, you stared to beg “please, omg please may I cover my lips over those perfect nipples..please…”
“Oh you do look cute when you’re horny and begging…I think I’ll tease you some more then..”
“How about we test out the new shower installation, and get you out of those gym clothes..”
I said, grinning and looking directly at that blushing cock.

She says, “I think I’ll tease you some more then” and I feel this, like all the time. This is so, so…so yep.